Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Obtaining a Job, No Walk in the Park.

I started applying for what I’d like to call my “transition job” today. A transition job is that one you have after college before your career starts. I don’t care what you are applying for out there, it is no walk in the park, I should know I took one today. There is a particular park where I live that has every ten year old sledder’s fantasy, a very tall very bumpy hill. Or it would be their fantasy if it had snow, come on Michigan it’s January.

Anyway, I climbed that hill today, once just to do it and twice because I wanted to feel something. I think I wanted to feel a little bit like Rocky, when he climbs all those steps. The truth is though I didn’t, and I realized why. Rocky, felt triumphant, because it meant he was in shape to fight his opponent. My climb of the hill didn’t assist me in accomplishing any of my goals. I have other steps to climb I guess, and sometimes the only way to get to the top, is to start at the bottom.

So, I came back home, and I searched, researched, applied, and searched again. There are lots of jobs out there I can do, and only a handful of jobs I want to do. Instead of mass applying, I tried to make an extra effort in the way I presented myself. I don’t really know how well I did, but by the time I find a job, I will have obtained the patience of a saint.

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