Monday, January 23, 2012

Lost And Found

My family's lineage like anyone else has a few twists and turns. Today, I activated a two week free trial on, and I know how we are all connected but explaining that in a family tree is a little confusing. An example, is my grandfather on my father’s side, is older than my father’s great-grandmother on the same side. How is this possible?

My father’s parents both died before he was two, so he was raised by… (read slowly)… his biological mother’s oldest sister & her husband. The Wistinghausen’s. Grandpa Wistinghausen was older than his sister-in-law’s mother-in-law while they were both still living.

Lost? Welcome to my world and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Apparently, the English portion of me hails from Sussex and Surrey, London area, while the slight German portion hails from Hanover, Germany area. Earlier when I said I’d be learning a lot about myself, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, although I find it rather fun.

I was talking to my father about it and apparently we are distantly related to some distant families neighbors, twice removed kind of thing. I plan to keep digging as much as I can within the next two weeks to see what I might just find.

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