Monday, January 30, 2012

Still Taking Notes

If I am to continue on applying as I have been with a preferable 3 a week day minimum, it might be wise to create a folder of applied locations, dates, particular resume sent, and possible cover letter. Along, with which ever website I found the job on. I suppose I could do it on excel, with links included or simply a notebook.

Any suggestions?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Interesting Weekend...So Far

I drive a truck; I’ve almost always driven a truck since I got my license seven years ago. This particular beater truck has fallen apart and gotten me stuck in some startling situations. About half of these situations involve snow. Audience, before you start heckling that I’m a woman driver, let us look at the facts, this beast of a vehicle has over 300,000 miles on it, with the original engine and transmission. I can no longer provide an exact number because of all the things to give out on it one of the more resent items was the mileage counter. Another, fact usually when I get stuck in the snow, it’s related to a parking space. After years of experience I typically keep a shovel and sometimes rock salt in the bed for such occasions.

When I got stuck today while at a local library that was not the case. Despite living in the state shaped as a mitten warning others of our weather, and it being January, this particular winter the snow hasn’t stuck for more than a few days. During such a time period I sometimes don’t even manage to leave the house. So, I was stuck in a little dip, with my left rear tire spinning, and what did I have in the bed of my truck? Tree branches. My father during one of the warmer days trimmed one of our trees, loaded the truck to transport them and well obviously they didn’t get far.

Just as I was about to take a stick and start digging myself out the guy parked in the car next to me offered to help push me out. I don’t care if you are Arnold Schwarzenegger (I was unaware of this site until now) now or 30 years ago; I’ve never seen one person be able to get my truck to budge. Not because they aren’t strong, I just know pushing in snow you have little traction. So, when another more elderly man offered his services, I was grateful, but I could only think if I reverse too fast this guy is going to fall and break his hip. And it's going to be my fault.

No one got hurt, that man knew exactly what he was doing, thank goodness. By now I should know better than to underestimate people. I thanked them heartily before I left, and was happy to know people still come together to help each out.

Not long after my brother and sister-in-law arrived with their 50 lb dog, Roxi. Today, we were celebrating my nephew’s fifth birthday at my sister’s house. It was a day filled with one energetic little boy, a 3 year old dog, and my sister’s new 8 week old puppy, Belle. 

Regardless, of the fact that Belle could curl up and fit in her own food bowl, she wanted to play with Roxi. Even when Roxi, growled and barked to make the smaller dog leave her alone, Belle had no problem barking in her face right back. She is a scrappy little thing, although I admit the quicker she learns Roxi’s tail is not a chew toy the better off she’s going to be. Belle, even when faced with little odds of success was determined to play with her doggy cousin and didn't give up. I respect that.

The evening ended with a minor indoor flood back at my parents house, resulting in a water leaking to the basement as well, so there was twice the mess for the effort of one. I couldn’t help but laugh, I reminded myself this is what happens, the unexpected. There was no plan for the flood, but as my favorite quote goes “Events are what happens when our plans fall apart.”  I always love a good event.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Am I Missing?

There is a song from the Disney movie "Tangled" that sums up about half of my life currently. It’s called “When Will My Life Begin”. The only difference between that song and my life is there is less sweeping, hair brushing and I’m not trapped in a tower where lights float by on my birthday. So really I guess I have a lot to be thankful for, because that isn’t my life. I still wonder when it will begin though. Even though I’m afraid I know the answer.

It will begin when I make it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Every day is a new day. Cliché? Yes. Untrue? Never.

I spoke to one of my friends about feeling uncertain in my abilities. She’s one of those people that pull just the right inspirational quote out of who knows where that actually makes me feel better. In this case it was: “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the arc. Professionals built the Titanic.”

I guess I should be careful what I wish for; in that case I’m okay with being an amateur. It helps that I am hearing back on a couple of applications too. My father’s view lately has been to “think positively”, which has had him making a few illogical predictions. His prediction for this week was that I would hear from someone by Friday, he was right. As much as I want the rest of his predictions come true, I’m afraid to get my hopes up just yet.

Even so I feel like I’m closing in on my dreams, and that makes me happy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Certainly Uncertain Sometimes

Any event planner knows that on occasion carefully laid out plans can go array in a second. My confidence when beginning this challenge was that I could accomplish any challenge presented to me. Not because I’m awesome, but because I would not give up. I knew I wouldn’t get it right the first time, but I feel like the first time was a long time ago. As the silence stretches between interested employers, it is not so much my patience that gets tested, but my confidence in my ability to succeed.

I know given a task and depending a timeline & budget, I can make magic happen. I’ve watched myself succeed at things I didn’t even think I could do just because I tried. I can’t wait to see what would happen if I not only tried but pushed myself to do it better than the rest.

I just want the chance.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lost And Found

My family's lineage like anyone else has a few twists and turns. Today, I activated a two week free trial on, and I know how we are all connected but explaining that in a family tree is a little confusing. An example, is my grandfather on my father’s side, is older than my father’s great-grandmother on the same side. How is this possible?

My father’s parents both died before he was two, so he was raised by… (read slowly)… his biological mother’s oldest sister & her husband. The Wistinghausen’s. Grandpa Wistinghausen was older than his sister-in-law’s mother-in-law while they were both still living.

Lost? Welcome to my world and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Apparently, the English portion of me hails from Sussex and Surrey, London area, while the slight German portion hails from Hanover, Germany area. Earlier when I said I’d be learning a lot about myself, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, although I find it rather fun.

I was talking to my father about it and apparently we are distantly related to some distant families neighbors, twice removed kind of thing. I plan to keep digging as much as I can within the next two weeks to see what I might just find.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

In My Idleness...

I often wonder about my fellow graduates, maybe more so about those within my major. I wonder if they face the same struggles I do in my job hunt, and how they approach them. Perhaps, they’ve already succeeded, I am uncertain of the truth therefore I slyly check their facebooks in hopes of an update.

Many of my other friends when they obtain a job have trouble restraining their excitement. Not that they should restrain, I’m glad they are proud of themselves, I’m proud too. It’s when they haven’t made an exciting exclamation, I feel bad asking them the question I am often asked and cannot answer with enthusiasm. “Do you have a job yet?”   

Even so just writing this has spurred me to make a few inquiries and I look forward to the responses. Maybe, together we'll figure out how to succeed.

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's Been One Month

It has been a little over a month since I’ve graduated, and today I asked myself, what have I done since then? The answer? I’ve learned.

I learned I don’t like practicing guitar when anyone is in the house, which is all the time. I’m going to have to get over that.

I’ve discovered that no matter how many times I overhaul my room and closest, there still isn’t room for everything. This is in part due to the fact there are few things I’m still not ready to be rid of.

I’ve caught up with some old friends I haven’t seen in months, others in years. Don’t let years slip by, you only live once.

I tried a few new recipes, when it says unsalted butter, use unsalted butter. There is a reason for everything.

I determined for about every dozen positions I apply to I get some type of response. Granted not always the one I want.

I’ve practiced my phone interviewing skills, and brushed up on my spelling. I’ve revised the wording of my resume as well.

The biggest lesson so far? Patience. In the beginning, it was just like winter break, there were holidays to celebrate and people to see. Then, reality sunk back in, and it became days of job searching, internet, newspapers (what are those?), networks, and tips from alumni. Each mistake, or over eager attempt, caused a few setbacks, but earned a few good lessons.

The hardest part though is there is so much time, time to think, worry, wonder, and unfortunately wait. I don’t think it would be quite so frustrating if my father weren’t in a similar position. So, it’s an understatement when I say the subject dominates the conversation in this household.

Which is why, I find ways to entertain myself, watching classic movies, episodes of Psych, baking, reading, my new kindle is getting a work out, and so am I now that I have a gym membership. I’ve been trying to volunteer again too, but I’m waiting to hear back from some people on that one.

I feel like as the months go on, I’ll find out more about myself, and anything that piques my interest than I have ever thought before. Time is a gift, I really hope I don’t waste it.