Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vague = Uninteresting...I know, I'll work on it

Since, being ill I have downloaded the maximum possible amount of books to my kindle, from my local library and read them all. I’ve gotten half way through season two of “Psych”, applied to far too few jobs, painted a little treasure chest I got for Christmas and styled my hair in some unusual fashions. I’ve also had six cans of pop in the last seven days, and I usually have about a can once a month. I hope to be better by this weekend, so that I can get back on track.

On, the other hand I was very productive today leading up to my interview tomorrow, I reviewed the company website, my resume, google mapped the location and decided what I’m going to wear. Now, I just have to iron it, and fill up the gas tank. It would also be great if my voice would return to proper working order. Wish me luck.

I’ll be sure to post my failure and success of the interview. I’m nervous, excited, and a little unsure of what to expect. If I get it, not only will I describe it in gushing detail while doing a victory dance, but I will follow up on my trials of my new job.

I realize much of what I say is vague, but I get asked every day, by almost every person I see and even those I don’t on my job hunt. I realize these aren’t frequenters of my blog, I don’t have that many. They ask, they ask even when I haven’t volunteered everything, I mention a job I find in passing, months ago and they ask me if I’ve heard anything. If I’m not already disappointed by the fact I haven’t heard back, I then become twice as disappointed telling them that. So until I have concrete details, dates, bosses, even a trail period, I don’t share the details. They’ll just ask tomorrow anyway.

In reality, I’ve only been out of school for little under two months; half the places I’ve applied haven’t even reviewed my resume yet. More, than half that have, have already discarded it. The rest have called or e-mailed, to screen out those unsuited. Getting a job is more than filling out an application and submitting a resume, I have to make it so that I’m the person at the top of their long list of applications repeatedly.

So that in the end, I am the only right choice for that position.

Accomplishing that is the only job I have right now, but I’m hoping not for long.

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