Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Excited About Planning

I have decided to start using my planner again. Not because I finally have a life, I mean its not like I ever didn’t have a life. I just noticed life seems as though it’s starting to fill up a bit more, there is less murkiness to how my day or week might proceed. Not that there aren’t those days when I am just flying by the seat of my pants and hoping I manage to pull everything off.

It just so happens I am one of those people that is weird enough to get excited about using a planner. Has anyone seen “27 Dresses”, I’m “Jane” with her filo-fax, only instead of planning weddings; I plan everything else and look after myself.

Planning is fun to me; I get energized and animated about it. Any problems that come up I mostly just find humorous.

Last week, for example, somehow our server crashed and caused things to go a little haywire for awhile, and somehow my whole Outlook from the last two years, with all the corresponding groups for this year’s season was just gone. The most recent e-mails we could find were from 2010. It was disastrous and frustrating. But it really wasn’t the end of the world, to me it was just funny.

We fixed it the next day, wasn’t really more than bump along the road, and if you’ve driven in Michigan, you know we only have bumpy roads.

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