My parents are to visit this weekend, that shall be an adventure all its own. I have little to no food in my apartment that doesn’t come in a box, a can or if feeling adventurous a jar. I work in a hotel, I’m the Assistant General Manager…they want to stay in my one bedroom apartment. Which means I get the couch…and or the inflatable mattress they are bringing. I only have one set of sheets and one blanket. I only have one set of sheets because I had to buy king sheets for my massive bed. So, to clear out my apartment of all the stuff I don’t use I took all my queen sheets to the mainland and put them in my car.
The conversation went like this, my dad texted me on Sunday, “Do you if work fri, sat, sun, mon or do you have one of those days off this coming weekend” Me: “Friday”. Monday morning dad texts, “If you have Friday off this maybe we come if its ok” I called my mom to help me decipher the truth of my dad’s poor texting, she said oh we are planning on visiting. So I asked her if it was just for Friday, and she said no the whole weekend.
My side of the phone was silent for awhile. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy to see them, but I really like to have more than four days notice about company. I really need to clean this place. Which I was going to do on my day off, along with laundry, I guess I’ll start some now.