Thursday, April 19, 2012

Uncharted Path

So today, was moving day or half moving day. We packed up the office this week, and pieces of our home into roughly 55 plastic tubs and 20 odd sized boxes. Along with totes, backpacks, bikes, of all shapes and sizes. I commuted an hour to work just as I always do, just an hour earlier to meet the packing truck. The actual loading only actually took about an hour, with all the help we had. In order to celebrate we went to Panera’s for breakfast.

Once, we had our fill of breaded delights, myself and my coworkers split up to traverse our own way up to St. Ignace, MI where we would stay for the night. Because sitting in a strange room in an unfamiliar town for a prolonged period of time, did not appeal to me, I decided to take a 4 and half hour drive from Ann Arbor, MI and turn it into a 12 hour adventure.

I’m proud to say I maneuvered 6 or so different highways today, without getting lost. All the more impressive because I don’t own a GPS or a data plan on my phone. The trip originally began in Jackson,  MI then to Ann Arbor, MI to meet the truck and then for fun up to Frankenmuth where I stopped for lunch. I’ve been there quite a few times but thought I should find something new. So, I visited a clock shop I can’t remember ever having been in and purchased an inexpensive clock for “kicks and giggles’.

I then traversed what is probably considered some of Michigan’s back roads to maneuver over to Mt. Pleasant, to visit some old friends. I was surprised at the number of Pure Michigan signs I saw, the whole time I was driving but also because they were in some really remote areas. Next, time I drive that way I should check some of them out.

Finally, my last stop before the bridge was a very tasty little pizza place called Vivio’s, just off I-75, and I don’t even know what town I was in but that was half the fun. Today was a combination of adventure and comfort. I tried something new, and saw some old friends. It was nice to not really have a schedule or a deadline, and for awhile no specific destination, just wherever I wanted. It was a taste of freedom and it was lovely. Sometimes, it’s better to take the uncharted path.

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